精工舎 小型木目二重金 (手書き文字盤)
Seikosha Kogata mokume nijyukin
(wood grain double gold stripes of smaller type )
(Handwritten dial)
精工舎 8インチ 木目二重金 明治30(1897)年前後
In the Ishiwara-Cho era and the only beginning of the Yanagishima-Cho, dials were handwritten not printed. In the Ishiwara-Cho era, the machine itself was just like handmade, I was surprised to know that craftsmen at that time painted dials by hand one by one. Because I have been waiting for the meeting with a handwritten dial for a long time, I am so lucky to be able to get one finally.
Even in the age of quartz now, I feel nostalgia and freshness in mechanical old clocks, and I am enchanted further with old clocks to know the clocks which have such handwritten dials.
Unfortunately, the double gold stripes have been completely stripped away.
年代は? What’s the age?
There are some points to investigate the production year of this clock.
The most hopeful one is ①the label of the pendulum house which has a lot of information. And the next one is ②the trade marks which are on the dial or the the label, state of the dial, and so on. And the other ones are ③the type of the machine or the design of the case (the design of the door glass of the pendulum house, the shape of the latch, etc.)
Judging from those, find the manufacturing age comprehensively.
① ラベル label
On the right is the label of the pendulum house at that time.The upper left is the label of Seikosha in 1892(Meiji 25). “Ishiwara-Honjio” can be seen on it.
The upper right is the the original label that moved to Honjio-Yanagishima the following year, and is believed to be around 1895(Meiji 28) by the labels.
The lower left is the label of this clock. As we can see by comparison, the label of this clock seems to correspond with the lower left one.
② 商標マーク Trademark
Therefore, The production era of this clock seems to be around 1897(Meiji30).
Anyway, On the only beginning label of Seikosha , we can see that the letters are written in a square decorative frame. And the square frame gradually changed to the frame of baseball base shaped after around 1897(Meiji 30).
③ 機械の形式 The type of the machine
Above is the original trademark which can be seen on the clock face in the early years (around from 1892~1897). And the right end is this clock’s.
Comparing these, we can see that the left end one which is in Ishiwara-Cho era is different a little bit, but including this clock’s, it seems that there is not much difference in the original marks at the early Yanagishima era (1895~1897).
Therefore, it can be said by the trademarks as well that this clock was manufactured around 1897.
The photo on the right is the machine of this clock.
There is no stamp on the plate, and the counting wheel is independent above the first wheel (spring gear wheel ) as Ingraham’s. This is the typical type of the early Seikosha machine. The right-angled corners of the plate are the same as in the Ishiwara-Cho era. It became to be a plate with rounded corners from a little after 1897(Meiji 30).
Therefore, it can be said that this clock was made around 1897.
手書き文字盤 Handwritten clock face
In the only beginning of Seikosha, dials of the clocks were handwritten not printed. The dial of this clock is accurately handwritten one. The dial plates (galvanized plate) at that time are thick and heavy (actual measurement is about 185g) and are made carefully, so no cracks can be seen on it even after over 120 years.
Features of this kind of dials are ①The dial plate a little bit yellowish ②Thin lines often disappear ③Distortion and irregularity peculiar to handwritten, and so on.
I feel that the handwritten dial has a slightly different attraction from all the same dials which are printed neatly in every detail with advanced printing technology. The individuality of each one can be felt, and at the same time, I feel the craftsmen’s passion who are painting and writing earnestly facing to dials. And from this dial, it can be seen that it was made around 1897 as well. (Point ②to look for the age)
A few thin lines appear to remain
Distortion and irregularity peculiar to handwriting
もう一つの魅力 Another attraction
ゆらゆらガラス Rippling glass
When the clock came to my home, the dial glass was so dirty that the dial was hazy. But after washing the glass properly, I found it the rippling glass. And the condition in which the glass has been fitted makes us confident that it is original. The glass of the pendulum house is also the same rippling glass as the dial glass. I think it is original as well.
The dial glass is a little bit heavy and thick comparing others. I felt it is robust. (actual measurement is about 300g, including the frame)
This clock which just came to my home
Part of the decoration is missing.
ケースの修復 Restoration of the case
Restoration of the missing part has been completed.
Photos on the right are the process of restoring the case of the clock.
I struggled a lot, because the shape of the parts were a little complex and the color matching is more difficult than I expected.
But as I proceeded, I enjoyed watching it regain its original beauty.
Well・・・, is this Mr. Old Clock happy to be woken from his slumber, or does he wish he had been left alone?
Anyhow, he is now ticking reasonably precisely.
オーバーホール Overhaul
* 資料写真は、ウエブサイト「Timekeeper」さんより引用させていただきました。
日常生活での使用 Actual use in daily life
As I can see by using it in daily life, I am always amazed at the preciseness of mechanical clocks in this era. As usual, I checked the clock in 80 percent winding, for 3 days, and the average error was less than 1 minute a day. It is enough to use practically even now, I think.
* Document photos are quoted from the website ”Timekeeper”