 Clocks in Osaka

日本時計株式会社製 大阪府 明治29(1896)年~明治30(1897)年頃



As described on History Page in this site, from the beginning of Meiji period, a lot of Japanese clock makers were gradually established. (Refer to History Page)
Tokyo, Nagoya, Kyoto and Osaka were the production base areas, and Japan’s clock industry has developed there.
There were about twenty-odd companies or factories in Osaka, and were producing clocks energetically. But there were not a few makers  struggling with price competition nationwide, so in a short time, many of them had to get out of the clock business, or change to pocket watch making, and many have disappeared. Therefore, as clocks made in Osaka are few, I have wanted to meet one.

The clock in the photo is made by Nippon Clock Co.. It can be said that this clock is one of those that were born in such a rough sea of that era. 
This clock has a singularity showed below. It seems to tell us the sever situation of clock production in Osaka at that time.
The singularity of thia clock must be attribute to another clock maker operating in Osaka at the same time, Matsushita Clock Factory. It was established in 1894(Meiji 27) by Matsushita Husajiro in Osaka, making excellent clocks.
However, it has been acquired and merged by Nippon Clock Co.. 

日本時計株式会社 明治33年頃 大阪東区森之宮
(写真 ウエブサイト Timekeeper より)

Nippon Clock Co.       around 1900(Meiji 33) Morinomiya  Osaka
(photo from web site Timekeeper)

日本時計株式会が、明治29(1896)年、松下時計製造所を吸収合併した後、社長 河辺 九良三郎は、時計の生産を精力的に行い、最盛期(明治31[1898]年頃)には、左写真のような大工場を有し、年間35万台を生産、従業員は200名という大阪では最も大きい時計会社に成長しました。

In 1896 (Meiji 29), Nippont Clock Co. acquired and merged Matushita Clock Factory.
President Kawabe Kurozaburo did his best to produce clocks earnestly, At its peak (around 1898[Meiji 31) , he had a big factory as the left photo.  The company had grown into the largest clock company in Osaka with annual production of 350,000 units and about 200 employees.
(*The annual production of Kyoto Clock  Factory was about 14,000.)

(ウエブサイト Timekeeper より)

Original Registered Trademark 
(From the website Timekeeper)

The trademark on this clock face

The label in this pendulum house



The machine of this clock resembles the Nippon Clock’s (right),  but
it is completely the same as Matsushita’s machine. (below)

似て非なるもの 本機の機械 
Similar but different     The mechanism of this machine

(写真 Timekeeper より)

The machine of Matsushita Clock Co.  The pin (red hand points) to stop the return of the gong spring (left side spring)
(Leftward roll specification. Can not roll rightward)
(photo from Timekeeper)


The machine of this clock
The pin (red hand points) to stop the return of the gong spring 
(Leftward roll specification.  Can not roll rightward)

=日本時計株式会社の機械= ( 写真 Timekeeperより )


=The machine of Nippon Clock Co.= (photo from Timekeeper)
①The corners of the plate are rounded.
 It seems that it was made after 1896(Meiji 29)by Nippon Clock Co..
②The pin (red hand points) to stop the return of the gong spring shows rightward roll specification. Can not roll to the left.


Both of Nippon Clock’s machine and Matsushita’s are resemble each other, but ①and ②shown above are completely different. ①is understandable at a glance. Corners of the plate are rounded.  ②is not easy to understand the difference between the two, but if you roll the gong spring shaft which is on the left side, we’ll easily understand that we can not roll leftward.
 This is the point that the mechanism of both is decisively different.

The clock face of this machine

ゴング スプリングキー穴(赤)、時針スプリングキー穴(青)、どちらにも左巻きの←が見られます。

The hole of the gong spring shaft (red), hour hand spring shaft ( blue), Both holes have the instructions ← to roll leftward.  

本機のラベル と 商標
The label and the registered trademark



Thank you for using the documents from the web site Timekeeper.

It can be understood from its label and clock face that this clock is definitely made by Nippon Clock Co., and that only the essential machine is made by Matsushita Clock Factory. I don’t know why  Matsushita’s machine was used instead of Nippon Clock Co.’s original one, even adding arrow instructions to roll leftward on the clock face.
Was Matsushita Clock factory’s large inventory of machines diverted after the merger, or were they manufactured using Matsushita’s blueprints until Nippon Clock’s original machines were designed? Please let me know the reason, if anyone knows about it.
As I wrote at the beginning of this page, beyond this fact, I feel that I can see the fierce competition over the clock industry in Osaka at that time, and this clock might have been born in the midst of such rough times.
However, Nippon Clock Co. was unable to compete not only in Osaka but also in the whole country, and disappeared in 1901(Meiji34), less than five years after its prosperity.
When I look at this unique clock that was born in such a tough situation and lost its company, I feel love about it for some reason, even though it is just a clock.  

想い Thought