This is a rare clock with an outside pendulum made by Junghans. Maybe it is imported to Japan in the Taisho Period (1912~1926). It is a sturdy, 62 cm long, monolithic wood case in a furniture-like construction with an 8 inch metal clock face. It is seemed that there was an ornament on the top originally, judging by its balance. The European beauty is felt in the simple construction. The precision is perfect and it is practical still now.
The machine is not so different from the early ones. The thin shafts show its accuracy. Spring is housed in the barrel not to destroy thin shafts, even if it breaks.
ケースの両横窓からは、機械が動いているのを見て楽しめます。 From the both side windows you can enjoy the machine moving.
(上)香箱に入ったスプリング (下)機械に押されたトレードマーク (above) The spring housed in the barrel (below) The trade mark stamped on the machine