Dharma was found!
ダルマ 見つけた!
Dharma was found!
Topic 3
I found Dharma on the back of the Sato Clock which was given to me by an acquaintance.
I have never seen such kind of the writing before.
As shown below, it is very interesting, so I’d like to introduce it.
Starting with the words “I’m your helper, I’ll keep working not only for ten years but for decades.”, the Dharma continues “If you move the pendulum up and down with the pendulum screw, I move forward and backward (means time goes on and off).
“It’s depends on your sense to make me move for years.” ・・・etc, he explains how to set this clock, or how to keep moving the machine properly for years, and their points humorously by way of the Dharma’s words.
It is written with a really interesting idea.
I feel that the person who bought this clock and looked at this had been able to feel the clock just like a living thing.
I can understand the maker’s thought for making clocks at that time.
本時計は、「SATO’S CLOCK FACTORY」とありますが、商標から戦後につくられたものだと思われます。
This clock was made by Sato Clock Factory.
It was established in Nagoya by Sato Shintaro in 1907(Meiji 40).
It was newly relocated in Yoro-cho in 1917(Taisho 6) and continued to produce clocks until it was burned down in the war.
After the war, in 1951(Showa 26), he, Sato Shintaro reconstructed Sato Clock Factory Co., Ltd. in Yoro-cho and restarted to produce clocks again.
Although this clock has the label that it was made by “Sato’s Clock Factory”, it is seemed to be made after the war, judging from the trademark.
歴史に関する情報は、Web-site Timekeeperさんより
The information about history is quoted from the web-site Timekeeper